Saturday, February 18, 2012


You used to be a stranger, just an ordinary friend
I rarely notice you, like how you rarely notice me
We only had short conversations, barely knowing each other
And yes, we’ve been together sometimes
Yet what we have today never crossed my mind

Never thought that your smile,
Will be what would make me weak,
As the butterflies in my stomach started to creep

Never thought your voice,
 would be what I always want to hear
Like the sweetest melody that if lost,
 Will then be my biggest fear

Never thought that your eyes,
 will be what I wanted to look at,
That it would be where my future lies

Never thought that your hand,
Will be the hand that will hold me down,
The only hand that will touch me
Until forever is gone

And lastly, I never thought
That the stranger before,
Will then be one who will wait for me,
Walking along the aisle,
Holding on to the vow of no goodbyes

-          I thanked the day that made me look at you for the second time
Because it is when love had caught my sight

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