Saturday, February 18, 2012

Thy smile, thy voice, thy wholeness

Thy smile is a caffeine
that rushes into my blood
It made me yearn for more
Feels like I've never had enough
You're quiet addictive
Like a drugs out of sight

Thy voice is more than a
sweet melody
Like a harp being plucked by angels
Serene, harmonic, alluring

Thy wholeness welcomes me,
Like we've know each other for century
ignoring thy invitation never crossed my
'Cause I am more the willing to
enter your life.

Nothing but a sweet piece of mem'ry

Though it's hard
Push harder to try
Forgettin' every fantasies that
Lives in your mind

Forget the smile
That once made up your day complete
Forget those dazzlin' eyes
and those silly heartbeats

Forget those soft, sweet lips
and all those silly temptations
Forget all the lies and all those 

And though it's hard
Push even harder to try
Forgettin' every fantasies that
Lives in your mind

And think about nothin'
except that he will be nothin' but a piece
of a sweet mem'ry.


Never have I been this crazy
Never have I been this obsessed
With someone who's not even mine,
Nor even know that I exist
Never have I expected
To fall deeply in love
And never have I been so  stupid,
Never in my life

I know I can't make you love me,
Nor let me be a part of you
But I just want you to know
That never will I forget you

Never will I regret every second 
That I waste thinking of you
Never will I erase you
In my heart and in my mind
Never will I ever try to,
nor think of letting go of those silly thoughts of mine

Forever, I'll be yours
And you will always be mine
You and I will live in my fantasy,
You and I will be one


I should have seen this coming
You should have worn a sign
And I should have stop myself
From falling deeply in love

I should have not looked at
Your perfect face, your mesmerizing eyes
And I should have not fall for
Your pretty smile that made me gone

I should have not allowed
Your lips to touch mine
And I should have not
Let our body feel the fire and become one

Because, if only I knew
Then I would not be as crazy as this
Then I would not  be bleeding like this
And then, my heart would have never
be broken into pieces


He made me feel like I am living in a fairytale
I am a princess,
a damsel in distress
And that he was my prince,
my knight in shining armor

Everything felt magically,
as love had visited me
For the first time in my life,
I have seen lots of beautiful things,

The stars are shining brightly,
the moon is dancing and smiling
All the fireflies are singing
I could clearly hear those sweet melodies

He kissed me, and it was the sweetest
Soft, smooth lips
Dazzling eyes like of the real prince

There is really nothing more to ask,
Than to let this love last

First of October.

You fill my days with happiness,
You took away my distress
You never fail to make me feel special
Thank God I have you now

It was you who I prayed to have,
the only one I wanna love
It was you who I wish to hold
In every minute of my life

Baby, you're the one who I wanna spend
my life with,
the one I wanna grow old with
So please, don't ever leave me
For my life without you would never be complete


You used to be a stranger, just an ordinary friend
I rarely notice you, like how you rarely notice me
We only had short conversations, barely knowing each other
And yes, we’ve been together sometimes
Yet what we have today never crossed my mind

Never thought that your smile,
Will be what would make me weak,
As the butterflies in my stomach started to creep

Never thought your voice,
 would be what I always want to hear
Like the sweetest melody that if lost,
 Will then be my biggest fear

Never thought that your eyes,
 will be what I wanted to look at,
That it would be where my future lies

Never thought that your hand,
Will be the hand that will hold me down,
The only hand that will touch me
Until forever is gone

And lastly, I never thought
That the stranger before,
Will then be one who will wait for me,
Walking along the aisle,
Holding on to the vow of no goodbyes

-          I thanked the day that made me look at you for the second time
Because it is when love had caught my sight

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Speaking telegraph.

I dialed your number,
hoping that you'd answer fast
It rang once,
and then twice
Then I heard your sweet voice
through my line

My heart beat rapidly
I was very excited to talk to you!
Your voice soothed me 
It was the sweetest melody 

It was as if I was talking to an angel
I felt like floating
Distance had kept us apart
Yet, you seemed so near to me 

I can't wait for this day to end,
so I can see you again!

Footprints in the sand.

I am walking alone,
With my head's down
Foot naked along the sand
Admiring the beauty of the nature
Listening to the song of the sea
Looking beyond the vastness of the place
Wondering over the horizon

I was a sinner, and is still one
I had walked the wrong path
Drinking liquids of lies,
Smoking sticks of death,
And jamming in to hallucinations

It made my heart grow sober
Made my mind go weaker
And my faith dying
Everything seems heavy
My eyes soaked in tears

And then someone came near
Explored the beauty along with me
I inhaled deeply the freshness of the air
And together we raised our arms higher
It felt goos
So good that a tear tastes sweet fell

Then a salty water splashed at my face
I was awakened, no one was around
I was all alone,
Yet it felt good as if someone had been really there
And then I looked around, searching
Then i found my own footprints in the sand, 
Walking along his path.


His smile - The best thing I've ever seen.

His smile - the best thing that I’ve ever seen
It’s like seeing the sun brightly shining
It’s like hearing the angels singing
It’s like the most precious treasure ever been

So alluring, undeniably tempting
Whenever I see it, my heart just can’t stop its rapid beating

His smile- the best thing I’ve ever seen
One of the reasons why I keep on falling
Baby, I tell you there will be no room for regrets
Even all that is left for me to do is staring.

Rebound love.

I know this is coming
I am just waiting for a sign
All I need is your honesty
I am here to hear you
I promise not to cry

I had prepared for this
Even from the start
And now I am ready
Ready to give things up

I am ready
If she's still on your mind
I am ready
If it's still her that you want
I am ready
If it's still her that you love

After all
I was just a rebound
A second choice when
She fell out of love

I made you fall
And there I was
Catching you

I truly love you
I know I have given enough
I have made you happy
and shared with you everything that i got

And if it's freedom that you want
I am more more than willing to give you
All and all that

Let me just hug you for the last time
And kiss your lips gently

I was glad that you had been mine
Even for just a short period of time

I know this would hurt
But not for a long time
I just have to get used to it
And so I guess this is goodbye.

Tell me I'm right!

Is it right to get jealous over his past love?

To someone who he had kissed before?
To someone who he had higged tightly
and more?

To someone who had shared a big part to his life?
To someone who would have become his wife?

Can someone tell me
Getting jealous is right!
Can someone answer the questions
That kept me awake all night!

Is it right?
Tell me I am right!

Next to you.

Seeing a couple in front of me
Made my heart broke in two
Cause together they’re seeing the sunset
Which I should also be doing next to you

I wonder where you are now.
Wonder what you are doing
I wonder who you are with
Hoping it was me who you’re thinking

I miss your touch,
Your eyes,
Your smile
I miss everything about you
Especially your lips close to mine

I just wish you’re here beside me
Holding my hand as the sun goes down
But I know there’s nothing left to do
Than to wish that I am next to you.

That should be...

  Her lips were the sweetest. Her voice was like the angels’. I remember how she would sneak out late at night just to see me. We would go to our usual meeting place, the beach. She would lie down in my arms, exchanging sweet words and kisses. We watched the night sky, made wishes if ever we caught a shooting star in sight and talk about our dreams that we promised to achieve together. She was the first love that I ever had.

  Every night that we had were the warmest as we embrace each other. Tonight, however, is different. It was cold. Tears were flooding down our eyes. The stars didn’t gave the same glow and the beach, not like the usual romantic place.

  “I’m sorry Drew. I don’t want to hurt you anymore and I just can’t hold on to this feeling any longer.” Jasmine, my girl, covering her face, wiping every tears that are falling. “You’ve done your best and gave almost everything to me. It seems like you’re way to good enough for me. I guess you deserve someone else. Someone who’s a lot better than me”, she continued, sobbingreally loud.

  Those were the last words that I heard from her since then. And I, knowing nothing could ever bring her back, have just spent many dark nights crying, getting drunk. My friends blame her for what was happening to me, but I never did the same. I saw her with a new guy and I know she was really happy with him. So I guess it’s my fault that I lost her. I may have lack something. I know it was my fault then.

  Three months have passed and here I am, inside a bar doing the usual thing. Everything seems blurry and I was half drunk. I do not even know what’s happening, all I know is that I’m walking along this narrow aisle.

 "Excuse me! But you're blocking my way!" a cranky lady told me. It was dark so dark that I have not instantly realized that she’s a lady.

 "So? Get out! It's not yours anyway!" I yelled and was about to push her when she gave me a hard punch. I fell on the floor and was badly hurt. I did nothing in return though. She pissed me a lot yet I know she’s a lady so I did nothing in return.

  Aside from that, I remembered nothing at all that night.

  The next day’s a bad day for me. I had a hangover. My head aches a lot yet I pushed myself to get up and be ready for school.

  I am getting my stuffs inside my locker when I saw this pretty lady that caught my attention. She was short, approximately, standing 5 foot. Her hair was as black as the night and her eyes sparkle like the stars. Her lips were cherry red and her skin, fair. I know I’ve seen her before, but I can’t remember when and where. I guess she was the angel in my dream last night.

“What are you looking at, huh?” the lady asked. I do not know what to say. It felt like I was under her spell.

“Oh, nothing. Uh, have we met before? Because you look really familiar.” I asked her. I was too shy and I can’t even remember the words that I’ve said. She looked at me deeply, staring from the head down to my toe.

  “Yes, I guess we’ve met before. You’re the crazy drunk guy at the bar!”

  Now I know why she’s familiar and this is what happened on the second time that we met. She was really cranky and hard to be-friend with. I had a hard time talking to her, even knowing her name. Her attitude is unlike the girls at the school. She was just a normal girl and was quite boyish. She doesn’t flirt nor care about how she looks. That’s Sophia, an ordinary lady who doesn’t mind how people would react to her actions. The lady who does nothing but always catches my attention.

  Time passes by and I started to get to know her. She’s a black belter at Taekwondo. No wonder she punched me really well that night. She’s independent and always does things her way. Every time that we have a chance to be together, we always argue. She wanted to be always right and I just agree to everything she says. Guess she had made me fall really hard. She was really different.

  Year had passed and I confessed my hidden love. I never thought that she felt the same. We’ve been dating for three years and I could say that she wasn’t really that hard to be with. She’s very sweet and caring. She could be the girl that any man wants to have,She told me that she was just really cautious with the people around that’s why she acted like that.

  Our relationship had gone through lots of ups and downs. We do not always have that perfect moment and I could say shit happens sometimes. At times, we still argue and what we had tonight was really bad.

 “How come you’re always right, Sophia! Have I not done anything good!” I yelled. I was really mad and I can’t control the tone of my voice.

 “It seemed like you’re sick and tired of my attitude. Why don’t you just leave me then?” Sophia was sobbing. I rarely see her cry. She’s a very strong person and seeing her like that breaks my heart. I love her. I now I really, really love her.

 “Yes, I am very sick of your attitude! But that’s what you are. And I loved you for who you are Sophia” I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards me. I gave her a tight hug. She hugged me tighter. We were both angry yet by her hug, I could still feel how much she loves me. I have never felt this before. I have never felt being loved like this.

  “I’m sorry Drew”

   “It’s okay my dear. I am sorry for what I have done too”  I kissed her hand and knelt down. I grabbed something from my pocket. I saw more tears coming from her eyes as I showed her a box. It was a tiny red box with a golden ribbon.
  “Sophia, we’ve been together for a long time. What you’ve made me felt is amazing and I just don’t want to lose you anymore. I love you. I love you with all my heart. Sophia, my love, will you marry me?”

  She took a deep breath, wiped the tears from her eyes and looked at me. It took a minute or two for silence. She smiled and it was the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen. What came after is a moment that I could never forget, I have heard the sweetest words that I long to hear from her.

 “I will. I will Drew. I am more than willing to marry you my dear. I love you.”

   A year had passed and here I am, preparing for our big day. I now this is is the happiest day in my life and today, I will be the luckiest man on Earth. I was about to enter the church when I heard someone calling my name. I turned to look who’s calling. It was Jasmine.

“Hi, I just came to tell you that I’m happy for you. Best wishes! It’s a good thing that you’re really happy now. After all, you deserve that.”

 I do not know what to say. I do not even know why I felt this way. It seemed like my heart had gone heavy. I just took a deep breath and smiled.

“Thank you Jasmine.”

  She smiled but then a tear fell from her eyes. She turned away and I pulled her hand. What happened next was a mistake. A biggest regret that I should have not made. I just kissed her lips and the feeling’s unexplainable.

“Sorry Jasmine. I am sorry.”

“You did nothing wrong. It was my fault. I should have not been here anyway. I have to go.”

 With that, she turned away and what followed is the most unforgettable and most painful moment that had ever happened.

 “You’re lady’s the luckiest. Good luck to both of you.” She walked away.

  “Yes, she is. But that should have been... you”